Saturday 10 January 2009

Customize Your Pellet Stove With Pellet Stove Accessories

You have made the decision to purchase and install a pellet stove in your home. Once you get your stove home, you find that maybe you need to make a few upgrades to the appearance of your new stove. The good thing is that most retailers of these units have pellet stove accessories that will enable you to customize your unit and make it your own.

The possibilities are endless, it should be noted that when purchasing your pellet stove is the best time to add upgrades to your unit. The finishes of the handles and legs can be changed up to add character to you stove. By changing the leg shape to a Queen Anne design, you instantly add formality to your stove. Go even further by changing the finish to polished brass or nickel and the look is even more brilliant. Pellet stove accessories are not only the usual fireplace side tool kits, these accessories can truly make your stove as individual as you are.

Pellet stove accessories also include cleaning products to clean the glass and finishes on your stove. There are many different brands and it is best to ask your retailer what they would recommend. You can also purchase products that assist with the maintenance of the pellet stove, high heat silicone, high temperature paint and cleaning rods. A smart and attractive way to store your pellets would be a coal hod. A coal hod is a container that holds your pellets and has a spout to help pour the pellets into the hopper of the stove. They come in different finishes and add an interesting visual impact to your stove area.

Another tool that is used to clean your stove is a special ash vacuum. It is specifically designed to suck up the ashes in your stove. Double flame retardant filters suck up the hot ash and keep the fine particles from dispersing in your home. A word of caution, use only approved vacuums that are specially made for this use. Never use your household vacuum. As you can see pellet stove accessories range from embellishments to the actual stove to the maintenance and repair of the stove. Your local dealer will be able to assist you in what is recommended for the particular model you have purchased.

The decision to buy and use a pellet stove is not only a wise and energy efficient decision, it is the beginning of placing a new heat source in your home. Using pellet stove accessories will enhance your stove and make sure it is not only looking good but also working efficiently.

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